Every businees needs a lawyer!

Most small businesses wait till it is to late to hire a lawyer, meaning they are already getting sued. Hiring a lawyer at the point were your company is already sued puts him as well as the company in a weaker position from the start, decreasing the chances of winning a court case. Furthermore there is no chance to avoid the sueing before it even happens as a good attorney is maybe able to.

Also having a good lawyer in your company basically gives you a flatrate on legal questions.
For example:

He can help you formulating contracts either with you employees or/and your consumers.

Help with taxes, maybe you are able to save a lot of money without knowing it.

If you are in the media intellectual property is absolutley crucial, but do you know the exact laws?

Wether you are a big or a small firm isn´t important at all a lawyer is a must even if he is not employed with your company and only in a consulting position he/she will help you a lot in your daily business life.

Example Case: DUI

A guy from Texas is having some beers in his favorite pub, later the evening he meets a nice lady together they are drinking three shots each. The lady asks him to bring her home. Sooner that night he had planed to walk home, but wanting to impress the lady he thinks about driving her home. The guy thinks about it and comes to the conclusion to drive home, because he had "only" 3 beer and 3 shots and he is used to drinking. Furthermore he believes to be under the legal BAC level.

On the way home he and the young lady are pulled over. The officers figure out very quick that our guy has been drinking and is now the driving under influence (DUI).
A test reveals his blood alcohol level (BAC) to be 0,9%, this is more then twice as high as the allowed state limit.

This would be a typical case of driving under influence of alcohol. Furthermore our guy might get problems for risking the life of the young lady sitting with him in the car.

Further problems could occur, too. For example the lady has drugs on her, he took prescription drugs early the day, maybe the lady is below the legal age to drink but looks older. These factors can easily lead to severe problems for our driver.

What does a Personal Injury Attorney?

As soon as someone suffers an injury from someone elses fault, related to ignorance, act of negligence or acceptance, the person who suffered the injury might be entitled to a compensation (in the form of money) for the injury. If it can be proven that the other person caused an injury! Proving time as well as place are crucial in such cases, this can be very hard to accomplish in some cases and be absolutly no problem at all in another case.

An example case could look like the following:

A young woman from West Virginia is called by her husband in the streets. She turns around to see him and in this moment bumps into an older lady. The older lady drops and breaks her hip. The young woman had no intention what so ever, it was a classic accident.
Still the old lady is entitled to a compensation by the young woman.

How high the compensation might be depends upon the injury itself. For example the compensation for a hematoma will be lesser then the compensation for a car accident (side note: see DUI defense). However the biggest compensations in the past have been paid for victims of Mesothelioma a form of cancer caused by asbestos.

Proving the place as well as the time of the accident is often a problem. This is part of the job for the Personal Injury Attorney, who are most often very experienced in such cases and with whom you have the best chances to be compensated. Furthermore some of them have a background in criminal law as criminal defense lawyers/attorneys, which comes in handy if there is a chance that it was not only an accident but maybe intentional.

Asbestos related law-suits in America

At the moment asbestos is banned in over 65 countries world wide. In the past it had been used in the construction of buildings, mostly residual homes as well as public buildings. It was used mainly between the 1960s as to the late 1990s, because there is nearly no way to set it on fire. It was meant to improve the safety of homes and therefor the safety of United States citizens.In Arizona and Florida it has been used more often then in the rest of the country, but it used to be used all around the US. Furthermore it was used in Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Germany.

It wasn´t known by the public that it has some serious adverse health effects in some cases even triggering cancer like Mesotheliom.Therefor several homes became uninhabitable on top of that many people became sick with serious illnesses. Furthermore it can lead to several forms of lung cancer, eye damage, breathing problems, skin problems and it might even be responsible for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as well as dyslexia. Till this day all of its side effects aren´t known, because its to dangerous to test it on humans (all effects have been found by testing mice).

This lead to a lot of  law-suits against construction companies who used it, either for compensation on health problems or/and damaged or better to say uninhabitable homes. Some lawyers and attorneys even specialized on it to provide you the best chances of winning such a court case. The victims of asbestos and especially of Mesotheliom cancer often received millions as a compensation for their ruined health and homes. Several of these cases made it in the newspapers with construction companies refusing to pay compensation to the victims. A famous case was a women from Phoenix, who was dying from lung cancer triggered by asbestos.

If you are a victim of asbestos and you are suffering from health problems or you can´t life in you home any longer it is highly advisable to seek out the help of lawyers and attorneys specialized in that field.
These are the Asbestos Attorney and the Mesotheliom Lawyer; you can find information on them under the following links:

Asbestos Attorney

Mesothelioma Lawyer

 In cases where the one constructing a building used asbestos knowing of its adverse effects and still used it (e.g. to save money), we also have a major offense not only against ethics and moral but furthermore a major offense against the law. In such cases the person responsible has good chances to lose all his money as well as to spend several years in prison. If you think the person responsible knew of it or you are the person who is accused of being responsible it is a wise decision to consult a criminal defense lawyer. You can find information about criminal defense lawyers under the following link:

Criminal Defense Lawyer

What does a Criminal Defense Lawyer?

A criminal defense lawyer defends criminals, right? Wrong, a criminal defense lawyer defends everybody that is accused of a crime whether the person has committed it or not!

Most criminal defense lawyers only work in criminal court cases. They are specialized on such case, because there are many of them. That guarantees that they are very good at it and have lots of expierence from similar cases.

This is one of the most common types of lawyers, however an asbestos attorney as well as a Mesothelioma Lawyer are harder to come by. (Side note: They are most often found in Florida, Phoenix Arizona. Because most cases of asbestos problems happend there.)

What does an Insurance Lawyer

An Insurance Lawyer deals with all kinds of problems related to Insurances. They are often able to make deals with the insurance to avoid a court case, but if they aren´t they are more then able to take on an insurance in court.

For example your insurance company claims you have frauded it in a car accident or you have been involved in a car accident and they don´t want to pay, these are typical cases for such a lawyer.

A more unique case would be Asbestos in your home, which has led to Mesothelioma (a form of cancer).
In such a case your best bet would be more specialized lawyers like an Asbestos Attorney and/or a Mesothelioma Lawyer. (Side note: Asbestos was used in many homes build between the 1960s to the 1990s. It was used all over the US, but most often in Arizona and Florida)

Slam Dunk Case!?

When you hire a lawyer or an attorney and he tells you, that you have a so called Slam Dunk Case it might be time to reconsider whether this is the right lawyer or not. Because usually cases aren´t that clear, also the law most often allows diffrent points of view and oppinions.

Surefire cases are very seldom! So you should ask yourself, is my case really that crystal clear? Are different perceptions of the case impossible? Is it really that bullet prove? Are there no other rational oppinions possible?

In case of doubt you might be better of asking a second lawyer for his oppinion.

What does a DUI Defense Attorney

Driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics is considered a serious offense by the law and most individuals (as a side note: Arizona, Wisconsin, Florida, Texas and Illionois have some of the highest drunk driving death rates all over the United States). In such cases a good DUI defense Lawyer is your best bet to reduce the consequences, if you got pulled over while beeing under the influence of alcohol.

A DUI defense attorney will usually defend you in such cases. Furthermore he will coordinate your defense before the court. The DUI defense attorney might even be able to get you of the hook by making a deal with the court lowering your sentence or fine drastically.

What does a Mesothelioma Lawyer?

Mesothelioma is a lethal form of cancer caused by exposure to Asbestos, which used to be used in many buildings all over the United Sates (most often in Arizona) especially private homes. Asbestos was a construction matierial, which was used up to the 1990s. See also my post about about Asbestos Attorney and Asbestos Lawyers.

They help you in conjunction with Asbestos Lawyers to get compensation for your health problems or health problems of you loved ones. Usually being affected by Asbestos chances are good you compensation will be a very large sum of money, some people received millions of Dollar. Though this is just a small piece of justice if you are suffering from serious health problems or even cancer.

5 traits of a good attorney

Whenever you are hiring a lawyer you should look for these character traits, because they usually seperate a good one from an excellent one and picking the right one is an absolutly crucial aspect in any case!

1. Expierence

2. Dedication/Focus

3. Empathy

4. Attention to detail, a so called  'eagle eye'

5. Confidence

What does a Car Accident Lawyer?

From time to time insurance companies aren´t able to settle the problems between two or more car accident victims. This leads to victims meeting in court, probably suing each other. This happens most often when it is not known who is responsible for the accident and both sides claim it to bee not their fault.

This is where the car accident lawyer or attorney comes into play. He bargains and/or formulates the settlement of a claim with the car insurance company or the one who caused it. This usually leads to a compensation for one or more individuals who were the victims of the accident.

Car Accident Attorneys are quiet common and usually have a lot of experience in that field, because car accidents happen on a daily basis all over the United States (with Arizona, Florida, Houson and Phoenix leading). For this reason car insurance is of utmost importance!